Flag State Documents

Flag State Documents

Flag state documents are official documents issued by the country or jurisdiction under whose flag a ship is registered. These documents serve as evidence of the ship’s nationality and compliance with international maritime regulations. They are crucial for the legal operation and international recognition of the vessel. Here are some common flag state documents:

  • Certificate of Registry: This document proves the ship’s registration with a specific flag state. It contains information such as the ship’s name, official number, tonnage, ownership details, and the name of the flag state.
  • International Tonnage Certificate (ITC): The ITC is issued by the flag state and certifies the vessel’s tonnage measurement according to the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships. It indicates the gross tonnage, net tonnage, and other relevant measurements.
  • Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR): The CSR contains essential information about the ship, its ownership, and its flag state. It is a summary of the vessel’s history and serves as a reference document for port state control inspections.

Safety Management Certificate (SMC): Issued under the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, the SMC confirms that the vessel has implemented a safety management system and undergoes regular audits and inspections.

International Safety Management (ISM) Document of Compliance (DOC): This document is issued to shipping companies and confirms that the company’s management system complies with the ISM Code.

International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC): It certifies that the ship has complied with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code requirements related to ship security measures. Minimum Safe Manning Document: This document specifies the minimum number and qualifications of crew members required to safely operate the vessel. It is issued by the flag state based on the ship’s characteristics and operational requirements.

Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR): The CSR contains essential information about the ship, its ownership, and its flag state. It is a summary of the vessel’s history and serves as a reference document for port state control inspections.

International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate: This certificate is issued to ships that comply with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) requirements related to oil pollution prevention. It confirms that the vessel has adequate pollution prevention equipment and systems in place.

International Load Line Certificate: This certificate indicates that the ship complies with the International Convention on Load Lines. It certifies that the vessel has been surveyed and meets the required stability and freeboard standards for safe operation.

International Load Line Certificate: This certificate indicates that the ship complies with the International Convention on Load Lines. It certifies that the vessel has been surveyed and meets the required stability and freeboard standards for safe operation.